Air-Row Fans
Air Row brand Products
The Air-Row had its beginnings in 1988 with the goal of finding energy efficient technology for the cooling of commercial buildings. A vertical integration with a research and development focus on the destratification process has made Air-Row one of the nation’s most highly regarded providers of air rotation solutions. Air-Row’s fan products, tailored to the needs of small retail establishments to large warehouses, have helped companies gain a 20% savings in their overall energy costs.
Air-Row’s success in helping companies reduce or eliminate energy waste has been recognized nationally. The Air-Row Fan Company is registering with the US Green Building Council and will be accredited by the Green Building Certification Institute. Air-Row products will be certified as part of the LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) program, allowing projects to qualify for energy credits.
Air-Row is based in Indianapolis, IN. Its manufacturing facilities are located in Carmel, IN.