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Canarm Ltd
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Canarm brand Products
Canarm is a global marketer
and manufacturer of lighting, air moving and related products, supplying
the residential and agriculture markets. They have 5 satellite
manufacturing plants in Ontario and one in Illinois, as well as a
distribution centre in Montreal. They are privately owned and operated,
and employ over 300 full-time employees. Canarm manufactures, assembles
and markets air movement and air control equipment. Their diverse
product line includes a full range of ventilation equipment of HVAC,
electrical, industrial and safety equipment. Canarm is also a leading
manufacturer of agricultural livestock housing and ventilation equipment
for the worldwide marketplace. They specialize in hog, dairy, poultry,
greenhouse and ventilation equipment.
Canarm is a leading manufacturer of Restaurant ventilation products called DELHI. They manufacture and stock UL705 listed power ventilators or commercial restaurant rated kitchen hood upblast grease extraction exhaust fans in both direct drive and belt drive configurations with a wide variety of performance ratings. Canarm also manufactures a complete line of make-up air or supply fans. Make up air fans play an integral role in keeping your HVAC system well balanced. Supply fans prevent the costly loss of air-conditioned air. It also helps to prevent those hard to open front doors by balancing the pressure in your restaurant.
Canarm has a large selection of destratification fans. Destratification fans are an economical way to create air velocity and improve the quality of air. Ceiling Fans, Man Coolers, Air Circulators, Drum Blowers, Basket Fans, Stir Fans, Horizontal Air Flow Fans are just some for the products Canarm manufactures for the Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural markets. Canarm specializes in the manufacture of industrial and commercial wall exhaust fans for virtually every application. From shutter mount exhaust fans used in agricultural and commercial environments to heavy duty direct drive and belt drive wall exhaust fans with cast aluminum propellers for factories, warehouses, parking garages and gymnasiums. We meet our customers expectations and serve them best by: